
Granary Street Natural Health Food Store

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August 29, 2018
Looking for that specialty health food store item out in the sticks and you don't want to drive to Houston or College Station, try Granary Street in Nacogdoches. They have a pretty good selection of Gluten Free items, vitamins/supplements, non-toxic bath/house products, Low Temp Pasteurized Mill King WHOLE MILK!, Vegan/Alternative Milks & Cheeses, Grass Fed Meats, a small selection of organic raw cheeses, a few organic produce items and eggs, sizable healthy snacks, spices, and dry goods selection. The only place like it we've found for MILES around.
Looking for that specialty health food store item out in the sticks and you don't want to drive to Houston or College Station, try Granary Street in Nacogdoches. They have a pretty good selection of Gluten Free items, vitamins/supplements, non-toxic bath/house products, Low Temp Pasteurized Mill Kin…
4411 South St
Nacogdoches, TX