Istria: attività uniche

Istria: attività uniche

Prenota attività indimenticabili proposte da persone del luogo su Airbnb.

Attività con le valutazioni più alte

Alla scoperta di una Trieste diversa
Ci conosceremo assaporando un caffè in uno storico bar della città. Il caffè qui è un’esperienza unica e capirete così come berlo da veri triestini. Successivamente raggiungeremo con lo storico tram di Opicina (autobus sostitutivo in caso il collegamento tramviario è fuori servizio) il verde e caratteristico altipiano carsico, punto di partenza dell'escursione. Da qui cammineremo per circa 1 ora, ammirando uno splendido panorama della città e del mare. In uno scenario idilliaco faremo un “rebechin”, tipico spuntino triestino, degustando prodotti locali a km 0. Continueremo la nostra camminata attraversando un caratteristico paesino e cominceremo a scendere verso il mare. Sulle orme dei pescatori e passando per una stazione ferroviaria del 1857, finiremo la nostra escursione nello splendido parco del castello di Miramare. Successivamente potrete visitare il castello oppure vi potrò accompagnare in centro città. In caso sia una bella giornata soleggiata il modo migliore per finire la visita è rinfrescarsi con una bella nuotata, quindi non dimenticate di portarvi un asciugamano e il costume. Se nel calendario delle disponibilità non trovate la data che fa per voi, non esitate a contattarmi. Altre cose da tenere a mente Camminata di 5 km su un sentiero largo e pianeggiante e 2 km su sentiero in discesa con gradini. I sentieri non presentano nessuna difficoltà tecnica. In caso di maltempo la pausa con degustazione di prodotti locali si svolgerà in un posto al chiuso.
Prosecco Origins Wine Experience
Nascosto in un piccolo angolo del nord-est italiano e felicemente posizionato in un ambiente unico nel suo genere sovrastante il Golfo di Trieste, si trovano gli antichi villaggi di Contovello e Prosecco. Qui avrete l'occasione di conoscere i primi passi della storia del vino Prosecco, passeggiando tra le strette stradine del villaggio e giù dai verdi vigneti a terrazze, mentre vi godrete impareggiabili viste del Mar Adriatico e gusterete il vino frizzante qui prodotto con metodo ancestrale, assieme a specialità provenienti dalle vicine fattorie. Passeggiata guidata: vi porteremo attraverso stradine e passaggi nascosti nello storico e caratteristico borgo di Contovello, dove una volta sorgeva una importante fortificazione, con la torre a controllo della sottostante città di Trieste e del suo territorio. Visita ai vigneti: lasciando il paese inizieremo la passeggiata esplorativa, scendendo le antiche coltivazioni a terrazza con vista sul mare, una caratteristica unica e tipica di questo territorio, un chiaro esempio di agricoltura eroica. Vino e prodotti tipici: ci fermeremo infine per una rilassante sosta in azienda agricola, così da poter godere della splendida vista degustando vini locali e prodotti tipici.
Esperienza privata: nuoto e divertimento nelle baie più belle
Dear Guests! The trip is a privat tour for group of 1-8 people. Price is per all group not for a pearson. Only your group and me as a skipper. One spot needs to be reserved and you can come with max. 8 pearson. Price is 30 Eu per hour for all your group. On your wish we can stay more or a less. Start point is from Rab town port. Take a day off yourself and spend half day, all day or on your wish on the beautiful bays of the island Rab. Cheer yourself, your family or friends, spend unforgettable moments in the beauty of nature. Unspoiled nature and the beauty of the bays is possible to visit only by boat. It is a natural resort where is prohibited construction and represents the highest value of island Rab. After boarding our boat from Rab port I will take you on a tour of Rt Kalifront, a unique perspective typically only seen by locals with their own boats. Be free to ask me any question and you can bring your own drinks on board. Trip is ideal for max 8 pearson (family, friends), intimacy, you have your own privacy, no mass tourism. You will not be mixed with other guests.
In kayak tra scogliere e caverne con una guida locale
Kayak e snorkeling vicino alle spiagge rocciose e alle scogliere di Pola, esplorando la città dal mare. Iniziamo dalla spiaggia di Valovine con le basi delle regole di sicurezza e di kayak, dopodiché continuiamo la nostra avventura in mare dove abbiamo molto da sperimentare. Ad eccezione del kayak, è anche possibile fare snorkeling sulla spiaggia dove facciamo una breve pausa (circa 30 minuti), esplorare la zona a piedi e/o semplicemente godersi il sole e il mare. Nell'ultima parte dell'avventura arriviamo in kayak nella grotta illuminata da fari e ammiriamo il bellissimo colore del mare creato dalla luce del sole. Altre cose da tenere a mente: I gruppi sono piccoli, fino a 8 persone! Vorremmo che fosse accogliente :) È bene avere almeno le abilità fisiche di base e di nuoto. È possibile raggiungere la posizione con il proprio mezzo di trasporto (c'è un parcheggio, gratuito) o con l'autobus.
Scopri il mondo dell'olio d'oliva biologico.
Vi presenteremo il mondo della produzione di olio d'oliva biologico. Scoprirete l'intero processo come viene prodotto uno dei migliori oli d'oliva del mondo (FLOS OLEI-dal 2013 al 2022, BIOL 2017-miglior olio d'oliva biologico della Croazia, 2017-2023 BIOL extragold medaglia) , dalla visita agli uliveti e alla conoscenza del mondo dell'olivicoltura, fino alla degustazione professionale dell'olio d'oliva nella nostra sala degustazione. Dato che sono uno chef, vi insegnerò come combinare diverse varieta di oli con il cibo.

Istria: tuffati nella sua baia

Baie nascoste baciate dal sole e grotta blu di Capo Promontore
Please contact me before booking if possible to check if there are available seats on the boat, as this is very popular on our website. Booked so far: till 12.08 possible to go afternoon New! GoPro Action Camera Yes I can send you what you record with it. Join our intimate Private tour for up to 13 people. Discover the awe-inspiring Cape Kamenjak Caves, where nature has shaped the cliffs into stunning formations that will leave you in awe. Get ready to unwind and discover hidden gems "Bays" that often go unnoticed by the average tourist and even by locals as its inaccessible from mainland. In the base price you have included: -Fruits -Unlimited drinks (Beer, Coca Cola, Orange juice, Vine, Water) -Gas -Boat -Captain -Bluetooth -Speakers -Snorkel gear -Life jackets -GoPro Cam Itinerary: 09:30 - Departure from Pula city - "Pula Port" 10:05 - Enjoy a refreshing swim in the Seagull Cave 11:00 - Departure towards "St Jerome and Kozada" - Snorkel between islands and in breathtaking anchorage location 12:00 - Lunch among National Park Brijuni Islands 12:30 - Arrival to Blue Cave at Cape Kamenjak - Explore Blue cave and snorkel on popular location 13:00 - Sail away to inaccessible hidden breathtaking bay from mainland near city Premantura 14:00 - Arrival to another hidden bay 14:45 - Departure to Port from which we started
Experience flight over Rijeka - Panoramic Flights Croatia
Join me on a panoramic flight and experience Rijeka and Croatia from another perspective - from above! We will take off from Grobnik airport in a Cessna 172 aircraft and fly over the city of Rijeka and enjoy in the sight of beautiful Adriatic sea on one side and mountains on the other. The flight is 30 minutes long but the experience you will gain will last for a long time! :)
Tour notturno in kayak a Pola
Experience a unique guided tour at night with a transparent kayak equipped with multicolored LED lights on the bottom. Look through the bottom of the kayak to admire the nocturnal marine life of the Adriatic. This tour is suitable for everyone, including people who never tried kayaking. Meet us at the Verudela resort area where you will be introduced to the theory and techniques of kayaking, and the rules of conduct on the tour. After that it's time to set off on your nocturnal sea kayaking adventure! Transparent bottom of the kayak equipped with LED lights will allow you to peak into the sleeping underwater world of our amazing Adriatic sea. Most of the time we will kayak near the coast, at sea depth around 4 to 8m so that you can watch everything that is going on at the sea bottom. Our tour guide will take care that you have your lifetime memories saved as pictures and videos from our tour. Imagine that you have a huge snorkelling mask but you don't have to get wet to observe what is going on under the sea - this is the feeling at our transparent kayak tour Don't forget to look up at the starry sky!
In kayak illuminato nella caverna
Dopo un incontro in spiaggia, inizieremo con le basi delle regole di sicurezza e del kayak. Poiché si tratta di un'attività notturna, dobbiamo assicurarci che ogni partecipante sia un buon nuotatore e sia in grado di seguire istruzioni dettagliate. Facciamo kayak lungo la costa con kayak illuminati che ci permettono di vedere il mare, goderci il cielo notturno lontano dalle luci della città e da tutta la folla. Il momento clou di questa esperienza unica è andare in kayak nella grotta lunga 30 metri. Le lampade subacquee sui kayak danno una sensazione speciale poiché la grotta viene completamente illuminata con diversi colori! Scopri, senti, goditi il momento e riconnettiti con te stesso! Altre cose da tenere a mente L'orario di inizio dell'esperienza può variare a seconda dell'ora del tramonto (± 1 ora). I gruppi sono guidati da un massimo di 3 guide e le dimensioni dei gruppi possono ospitare fino a 16 partecipanti. Più luci sull'acqua significano più sicurezza, ma entriamo nella grotta in gruppi più piccoli in modo che tutti possano godersi lo spettacolo delle luci.
Gita in barca lungo la costa slovena con picnic nella baia
Unisciti a noi per un'indimenticabile gita in barca da Isola a Pirano, dove potrai ammirare dal mare la bellezza mozzafiato della costa slovena. Il nostro viaggio ti porta da Isola, lungo Strunjan, fino a Pirano, e ritorno, offrendo una prospettiva unica sul paesaggio costiero. Durante il viaggio, offriamo una fuga dalle spiagge affollate, mentre ancoriamo in una baia tranquilla. Qui puoi rilassarti nel nuoto, nello snorkeling e nel prendere il sole. Per soddisfare le tue papille gustative, offriamo una deliziosa selezione di prelibatezze locali, tra cui prosciutto tagliato a mano, formaggi artigianali, verdure fresche e una varietà di snack freddi e caldi. Questa esperienza culinaria è perfettamente completata dai nostri vini o prosecco scelti con cura. Per migliorare l'atmosfera, soddisfiamo le preferenze musicali dei nostri ospiti, garantendo un viaggio piacevole. Il nostro viaggio inizia alle 12:00 da Marina Izola, e torniamo nello stesso posto alle 17:00. Durante tutta l'escursione avrai l'opportunità esclusiva di assaporare il prosciutto/jamon della migliore qualità abbinato a vini selezionati, creando una miscela armoniosa di sapori. Ti assicuriamo che il tuo viaggio è nelle mani di Zoran, un capitano esperto di barche con le licenze e le competenze necessarie. La passione di Zoran per la gastronomia va oltre la vela, poiché ha completato un corso di sommelier ed è certificato nell'arte di affettare Jamon spagnolo e prosciutto istriano.

Istria: tutte le attività nelle vicinanze

Esplora le grotte e le baie turchesi in kayak a Pola
Welcome to our kayak tour! Alex and me aim to provide you with an unforgettable experience, tailored to ensure maximum enjoyment and a genuine opportunity to bond with like-minded individuals. We prioritize personalized attention and an atmosphere conducive to building new friendships. Our three-hour excursion commences with safety instructions and fundamental kayaking techniques, designed to enhance your experience and guarantee effortless navigation throughout the tour. Together, we shall explore and indulge in the following breathtaking highlights: Hidden Secret Canyon Lagoon: This stunning location is only accessible by sea, and we shall pause to indulge in guided snorkeling in shallow waters and exploring the lagoon. SeaGull Blue Cave: With utmost care, I shall guide the kayaks through the cave's entrance with the aid of headlights. We shall subsequently disembark on the beach inside the cave, where I shall capture remarkable photographs of you and expound on the rich history of the SeaGull rocks. Blue Lagoon: We shall take a break and bask in one of nature's most serene and awe-inspiring sights. Alex and me really care about personal approach to people on our tour. Infinite love for the ocean and making new friends all over the world are the main reasons why we love kayak tour guiding and commit myself 110% into it.
Enjoy truffle hunting and truffle dishes
Experince truffle hunting in the Motovun forest with my dogs and me. Learn all about truffles, truffle hunting and training dogs. After truffle hunting tour, enjoy the homemade truffle dishes in our wonderful garden. Four course truffle lunch menu. Spend a day out with us, Sviličić family. Experience truffle hunting yourself in the foothill of Motovun.
Un vero olio d'oliva istriano, vino e cibo locale
Sfuggi alla folla! Approfitta di un'esperienza per piccoli gruppi con una visita di un uliveto locale inclusa. Si tratta di una vera fattoria istriana. Ci incontreremo prima nell'uliveto, dove conoscerai tutto sulle olive e vedrai vari tipi dei nostri ulivi ben curati. Sarete ospiti nella nostra proprietà di famiglia costruita nel 1899, situata su una piccola collina circondata da uliveti, vigneti e frutteti. Ti porteremo nella nostra autentica sala degustazione di olio d'oliva istriano, dove ti verrà presentata la storia educativa sulla storia della coltivazione delle olive e sulle fasi di produzione di olio d'oliva di alta qualità. Sentirai parlare della nostra tradizione di famiglia, del processo di raccolta, dei lavori di tutto l'anno nell'uliveto, su come viene estratto l'olio d'oliva e su come dovrebbe essere conservato correttamente, l'evoluzione dal passato ad oggi. Procedi verso l'incantevole giardino dove si svolgerà la degustazione professionale di olio d'oliva Olivo Istriano, seguita da un tipico tagliere di salumi istriani con prodotti locali e fatti in casa solo come formaggi locali, ricotta della nonna, marmellata, pane, prosciutto, 2 aceto fatto in casa,.. Naturalmente, metteremo un bicchiere o due di 2 vini istriani locali, ulivi e il nostro succo di fiori fatto in casa. Imparerai anche a gustare e distinguere l'olio d'oliva di qualità e media. I bambini apprezzeranno il campo da calcio privato, il nostro simpatico cane e l'ampio giardino.
Tour a piedi di Pirano con degustazione di cibi e vini locali
Is there any better way to spend late afternoon in Piran than with a laidback walking tour through the narrow streets of the city which will take you back to the medieval times and give you great insight how people were living here few centuries ago? In 90 minutes walking tour I will share you some great stories from our granddads, local fishermen, salt producers and many more. During the tour you will visit important town squares, see lots of Venetian architecture and maybe even walk in 700 years old Minorite Monastery with rich history and interesting anecdotes. A great panoramic view will open on the top of the hill where church of St. George stands tall above the town. From this point you will be able to see Slovenia, Croatia and Italy at the same time. Great place to make some photos! In the end of the tour we will stop for a snack and refreshment with local food and wines (all included in the price). This region is widely known for it’s amazing wines like Malvazija (white) and Refošk (red), but you will be the judge which suits you better. After the tour I will be happy to recommend where to go for a nice meal, ice cream, coffee or a glass of wine. Don’t forget to ask where to buy a souvenir for a nice memory from this beautiful gem on the southwest edge of Slovenia.
No Diet Club - Unique local food in Trieste
All food is included ! Welcome to Trieste ! One of the most beautiful Italian cities still unknown :) As always, we were surrounded by locals who know the city by heart to offer you the best local food far from the tourist traps. Trieste is a fabulous city with lots of incredible little secret spots. Paradise of authentic street italian food and more. What's to eat ? Capo in B in the city of coffee, panino cotto Sfreddo, liptauer delicacy, fish street food, frico (melted cheese), salumi and cheese and some other surprises ! Trieste gastronomy is incredibly rich, between sea and land, Italy and Eastern Europe. Tastings may vary depending on the season Vegetarians are also welcome :) ⇨ IG : @no_diet_club ▶ What this tour is about ✔ - Many tastings to share - A nice walk in Trieste - What locals actually eat - Lots of fun - Funny/bad jokes - Pictures and souvenirs - Smiles - A list of serious recommendations in Trieste - New friends from all around the world !
Degustazione di olio d'oliva, spezie e paté di olive
Our olive oil & olives tasting experience + discovering the small village of Marezige in Slovenian Istria, With just a 15-minutes drive, you will leave the city of Koper to get immersed in a beautiful countryside and Istrian scenery of our Tourist farm '' RED FAIRYTALE'' in the village Marezige. We will provide you with a complete introduction to the world of our premium extra virgin olive oil and Istrian olives. Your tasting experience will begin with a visit of our olive trees immersed in a beautiful natural scenery. At the end of this experience, you will have the possibility to taste our genuine olive oil, olives & spreads from them. The real olive oil factory is the olive trees. We will show you the care needed to obtain the best fruit in a modern production system applying the latest technology and experience of many generations aiming to the sustainability and protection of this precious environment. You will learn about olive varieties, their seasonality, life cycle, harvesting and how table olives are prepared. Depending on the time of the year you will harvest, pick or eat olives directly from the tree! Admire the beautiful countryside composed of ancient groves with mountains and hills in the small village of Marezige. I really hope to receive lot a olive lovers which want to have an unique olive oil experience. Me and my family wait you !
Una tranquilla escursione a Cherso
You LOVE swimming but you want to avoid overcrowded beaches and experience Kvarner Bay as locals do? If that’s the case, you just found the ideal experience. For the past 7 years, we have been offering one of the most unique experiences for tourists on Kvarner Bay. Enjoy the ultimate tour with great all-round visibility, 12 seating spaces, unlimited beverage, snacks, Bluetooth speaker and a toilet. You will depart with captain Tomy Ika at 08:45 towards the beautiful city on the cliff - Brseč. While having breakfast (2 types of canapes) you will enjoy a panoramic ride by the old fishermen cities Mošćenička Draga, Medveja, Lovran, you will arrive at Breseč Beach. The beach was chosen by CNN in 2018. as the second most beautiful pebble beach in Croatia. There you will have a 1-hour swimming break, and continue the journey towards Smrdeća beach on the Island Cres. You will have another swimming break, and then be on your way to Porozina (Cres), where you can buy ice cream, have coffee or pizza. After a coffee/lunch, you will continue towards Banja Bay and enjoy another swimming break and a fruit snack. In the afternoon, Captain Tomy will get you back to the meeting point. Children up to 10 years will get a 50% discount. P.S. Have your camera ready because we might see the dolphins! Other things to note Please bring your bathing suits, beach towels, snorkels and the sun protection (sunglasses, sunscreen, sun hat or cap). Feel free to contact us if you need additional information
Baie nascoste baciate dal sole e grotta blu di Capo Promontore
Please contact me before booking if possible to check if there are available seats on the boat, as this is very popular on our website. Booked so far: till 12.08 possible to go afternoon New! GoPro Action Camera Yes I can send you what you record with it. Join our intimate Private tour for up to 13 people. Discover the awe-inspiring Cape Kamenjak Caves, where nature has shaped the cliffs into stunning formations that will leave you in awe. Get ready to unwind and discover hidden gems "Bays" that often go unnoticed by the average tourist and even by locals as its inaccessible from mainland. In the base price you have included: -Fruits -Unlimited drinks (Beer, Coca Cola, Orange juice, Vine, Water) -Gas -Boat -Captain -Bluetooth -Speakers -Snorkel gear -Life jackets -GoPro Cam Itinerary: 09:30 - Departure from Pula city - "Pula Port" 10:05 - Enjoy a refreshing swim in the Seagull Cave 11:00 - Departure towards "St Jerome and Kozada" - Snorkel between islands and in breathtaking anchorage location 12:00 - Lunch among National Park Brijuni Islands 12:30 - Arrival to Blue Cave at Cape Kamenjak - Explore Blue cave and snorkel on popular location 13:00 - Sail away to inaccessible hidden breathtaking bay from mainland near city Premantura 14:00 - Arrival to another hidden bay 14:45 - Departure to Port from which we started
Tour del centro storico di Rovigno con visita del campanile
Did you know that Rovinj was once an island? Have you heard of Croatian Atlantis? Did you know that prohibition and speakeasies existed in Rovinj centuries before those in the US? Where did the Croatian Titanic sink? Why does Santa Clause have a lot of work in Rovinj? Does Rovinj's patron saint work as a weather app? Is the Large Square really large? What do winged lions have to do with it all? These and many more questions will be answered on this unique Rovinj tour. The tour starts on the Trg Marsala Tita and goes straight into the Old Town. While strolling the cobbled narrow streets and small squares you will learn the intriguing history of Rovinj, starting with its pirate origins followed by the Roman rule, through years of prosperity in the Venetian Republic, Austrian investments and the brutal 20th century filled with fascism, communism and wars . On our way we will see all the must-see attractions but also discover many hidden gems known only to locals. We will climb the highest tower in Istria - the St. Euphemia's Bell tower, to be rewarded with breathtaking views. The visit to Rovinj wouldn't be complete without tasting the finest Istrian liqueur - Teranino, made in a family-owned distillery. Let us be your guides and you will get to know Rovinj like a local.
A journey through the forest
Please contact me before booking your ride!! Our ranch is situated at 400 m above sea level with an amazing view of the Adriatic sea. This route is shorter than others and lasts one hour. A path runs through the forest around our ranch and is the perfect choice for the people who think that they can't endure sitting on the horse for a long period.
Escursione alla cascata Banina
We would meet in the centar of Rijeka where I will drive you 30 minutes to the starting point of the trail, then we will go to the top called Pećnik, after a short break we will continue to the waterfall Banina where we will explore the waterfall and after we wil head back to the car.
Experience flight over Rijeka - Panoramic Flights Croatia
Join me on a panoramic flight and experience Rijeka and Croatia from another perspective - from above! We will take off from Grobnik airport in a Cessna 172 aircraft and fly over the city of Rijeka and enjoy in the sight of beautiful Adriatic sea on one side and mountains on the other. The flight is 30 minutes long but the experience you will gain will last for a long time! :)
Giro dei pub a Pola
We will get together at the main square in Pula, later we will visit all together 3 pubs. The first rule is to meet everyone so this is why we will play beer pong, have Pula pub crawl "scavenger hunt" and have some other games throughout the night. The last pub is a bigger place and the most famous pub in the city so we will dance and party there. Other things to note - This tour is suitable only for 18+ travelers
Experience Slovenian Istria with E-Bikes
The Bora Experience tours are established for everyone who wants to actively and authentically experience Slovenian Istria with e-bikes. The emphasis is on cycling through the most beautiful places of the region, visiting cultural and historical sites and experiencing authentic local activities such as picking olives, grapes, persimmons, harvesting salt, etc. (depending on the season). We paid special attention to cuisine – visits to tourist farms and tastings. So you will be pleasantly relaxed on our trips, both mentally and physically. Above all, you will embark on an adventure as part of your abilities, expectations and desires. We guarantee you a wonderful experience! For more info contact me!
Escursione al tramonto e tour gastronomico
Hike and gastronomic tour near the village of Stinjan (6 km from Pula). We start from the Punta Christo Quarry and we explore Fort Monte Grosso. Then we proceed to the other hidden forts. It's an easy 5km walk with a 45 minutes break for our gastronomic experience. The whole trail is in the shade and is an ideal walk for hot summer days. Our guide serves you local and tasty food and wine after which we have a 15 mins walk back to the starting point.
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